Fighting Pessimism

Fighting pessimism

To see the world painted in gray, to think that those around us are plotting against us, to give more weight to our negative emotions, to find difficulties in everything and to believe that even the small problems of everyday life are insurmountable. When someone feels this way it is because pessimism has taken over their life.

Pessimists are not born, they become

Some people think they are pessimistic “by nature”, but they are wrong. Nobody is born like this, it is life that teaches us to be. Whenever we accumulate frustrations and experiences that we struggle to assimilate, “we learn to be pessimistic”. An attitude that does not bring us any benefit, quite the opposite: it traps us in a labyrinth with no exit. We need to know that our thoughts and attitudes profoundly affect the outcome of everything we do. We cannot wait on our hands for the solutions to come by themselves or rely on chance, hoping that the Blindfolded Goddess will find us.

Change your attitude

Pessimistic people are convinced that it’s not worth fighting for, because whatever they do will never change anything. They take refuge in passivity and despair. They always see the glass as half empty. Changing one’s attitude in living one’s life is a decision that belongs to the individual. Anyone who wants to can take the reins of the situation in hand and try to see things in a more positive way, an attitude that will positively affect the state of mind and reward by satisfying daily.

Fighting against pessimism requires changing habits that lead to focusing on negative thoughts and emotions. Reflecting on what makes you feel this way is the first step to correct your way of living life. It often turns out that pessimism is an attitude inherited, probably, from the upbringing received in the family. The next step to reach your goal is to realize that this bad habit can be changed and that the inertia of thinking only negatively can be removed. You have to try to become more positive people to enjoy the happy moments and live your life in a less traumatic way.

Why should the future that awaits you be black? Sit down and reflect on this belief. Is it based on something concrete or is it just an idea that is buzzing in your head? It is normal for a pessimistic person to always look to the future with drama, but, in most cases, it is only a fear. Think that, even if things don’t always go the way you want, it is only a passing situation.

You have to change the chip, that is, to transform all your negative thoughts into others that are more constructive and positive. It is necessary to analyze the feelings that cause discomfort and decide to change them for a more suitable response to the problem or reality in front of you. For example, instead of thinking “I will not pass the exam”, replace it with “I have studied a lot and will do everything possible to succeed”.

Finally, a person who struggles with pessimism must learn not to give up in the face of the first difficulties or when things do not go as planned; must seek alternatives to overcome the problems. We must internalize the maxim “making mistakes you learn”. The key is to accept failure without feeling guilty or frustrated.

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