5 Ways To Awaken Your Creative And Innovative Side

5 ways to awaken your creative and innovative side

All human beings have a creative side. The brain is basically this: creativity. We are born with enormous potential to invent and imagine. However, if we don’t have enough stimulus available, creativity fades. The same happens with other skills: if they don’t practice, they end up atrophying.

However, no matter how many cobwebs cover it, we never lose the ability to create. Sometimes we just need more favorable conditions to put this creative side in motion. We may also need some tactics that facilitate the development of new ways of seeing and doing.

To do this, we show you five mechanisms below that will help you be more creative. These are simple actions that contribute to seeing things from another point of view and that allow you to renew your imagination and ingenuity.

Light bulbs hanging from the ceiling

Techniques to awaken your creative side

1. Understand the stages of creative thinking

According to researcher Graham Wallas , a creative process goes through four stages: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. Preparation corresponds to the moment when you formulate a problem or a question and think hard about it. In the incubation, information is collected and, unconsciously, analysis processes are activated.

Enlightenment occurs when responses begin to arise spontaneously. Finally, the verification allows to evaluate the ideas that have emerged and to prove their validity and effectiveness. Understanding that it is a process and letting each step flow, certainly your creative side will flow more naturally.

2. A walk to awaken creativity

An ideal technique, especially for those moments when you feel stuck or very confused on the way to follow. There is nothing better than getting out for a bit of walking. Sometimes a short walk makes all the difference.

A walk oxygenates the brain and helps it function better. Various researches also suggest that it activates the production of hormones that enhance the creative side. Likewise, it is important to know that, during a walk, there is a greater stimulation of the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creativity.

Colorful woman doing yoga

3. Frequent breaks stimulate creativity

Numerous studies support the thesis that in order to achieve a result, breaks are even more important than work itself. When we do the same activity for many hours, there is a time when mechanical thinking begins to operate rather than creative thinking.

The pause is not only necessary to “reset” the brain, it also helps to strengthen physical health. These interruptions provide an opportunity for the mind to reorganize information. When we sit down to work again, we will be more productive and will notice that the mind will work more fluently.

4. Bet on the hybridization of knowledge

We are in an era of hyperspecialization. This is positive as it opens up ways to explore a particular sector as much as possible. At the same time, however, this inertia also increases the risk of limiting the perspective in front of a theme and of technicizing thinking.

It is much more advantageous to bet on the hybridization of knowledge,  that is, to venture into fields other than those in which one usually works. You will be surprised at the amount of answers given by great researchers when they cross the boundaries of their formal domains.

Goldfish jumping from one bowl to another

5. Combine chaos and method

To achieve accurate results, a method must be applied. This allows you to order your thoughts and aim for defined goals. In this way, the likelihood of wasting energy and avoiding dealing with relevant aspects will be less. The method is necessary, but it can also inhibit creative processes if applied with excessive rigor.

It is necessary to leave moments to chaos. In this apparent disorder, new answers and new paths also appear. Chaos stimulates one’s creative side, but there is also the risk of not getting anywhere. The ideal, therefore, is to alternate method and chaos.

Creativity is one of those skills that is applied in every level of our life. Both on an intellectual level, as in other more practical ones. Creativity also allows us to enhance our skills more and more. These simple ideas are worth applying to stimulate creativity.

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