5 Types Of Singles

5 types of singles

Usually we talk about relationships, but what about a person who is single? Being single is also a characteristic that defines us, speaks of us, of how we are, reveals our perception of the world and, given the situation, our opinion on couple relationships.

There are several reasons why a person is single. Maybe she has had bad experiences as a couple and is better off alone or maybe she is by choice. Let’s not forget that there are many people who see loneliness as an unnatural, strange and unwanted condition. However, many disagree.

Today we will discover some types of singles that you can identify with or not. The reasons why a person is single are different. She had certain experiences that led her to make the decision to be alone.

1. Single due to bad experiences

This type includes all those people who, following negative love experiences, have decided to abandon the idea of ​​”couple” to focus on themselves. The very thought of having a partner again triggers rejection, even fatigue.

Usually these people have had very difficult experiences. Maybe the partner cheated on them, leading a double life, maybe he disappeared overnight or mistreated them …


We cannot deny that these situations deeply influence and mark the people who experience them. Sometimes you get to a point where you develop philophobia, that is the fear of loving and falling in love with another person.

2. Single due to lack of self-esteem

There are people who have low self-esteem and this leads them to underestimate themselves in any area of ​​life, including the sentimental one. They believe they are not worthy of being loved, they think that the person next to them is wasting time with them because it is not worth it.

Very often they don’t feel attractive enough to be able to please someone, so they neglect and hide from others. In this way, they turn out to be shy people and even reject possible suitors.

With such an attitude they do nothing but curb the great desire they have inside. Perhaps this type of single is the worst because it is not a conscious decision, but a consequence of a wrong thought about oneself.

3. Single out of desire for independence

Singles who enjoy their independence run away from any strong or serious bond that binds them to other people. They love having their own personal space, which includes home, car, time for themselves, not accountable to anyone, not having obligations towards their partner. ..


Within this type of single there are two subtypes that are the consequence of this need for independence:

  • Single because self-sufficient : these people believe they are self-sufficient and do not need anyone to complete them, so having a partner leaves them quite indifferent. These people spend a lot of time alone because they want to. Their habits are so “lonely” that they contradict the very fact of living a relationship as a couple.
  • Single because they are isolated : they could fall into the previous type, but in this case loneliness is not a choice. These people would like to put an end to this dynamic, but for them it is tremendously complicated. They have spent so much time isolated from others that they have lost the social skills necessary to relate.

4. Singles faithful to their ideology

They are people who defend certain ideas and therefore remain single. This condition has a lot to do with the way they perceive the world and relationships in general, which inevitably affects their social relationships.

For example, religion is a very strong factor and can sometimes be the reason why some decide to stay single until they find the right person. A somewhat demanding search, because this person must share the same way of seeing and living relationships.


If there are any differences, there will be a very strong pressure between the ideology they believe in and what they really want. Anxiety, worry and stress undoubtedly affect single people who fall into this category.

5. Pessimistic singles

There is a final category of singles, the pessimistic ones who see the world of love affairs as a murky and dark environment. This does not mean that they do not feel good in a couple, they actually think that the relationship itself is of no use to them.

All the pleasure they feel and that derives from the couple relationship is for them a set of beliefs that they build on the relationship itself. Living them in a more frivolous way, with greater detachment, relationships make no sense to them.

Pessimistic singles are also those who believe they will never find the person who truly completes them. While the former are colder, these pessimistic singles live with the terrible burden of having no hope when it comes to relationships.

Ultimately, what emerges is that our experiences, the environment in which we were born and raised, the education we received and our way of seeing the world influence our social relationships. It should be noted that being single is not negative, unless you fall into the type of single with low self-esteem, the worst.


Being single is a completely valid choice. What’s more, many people should learn to be alone to avoid being dependent on others. In this way, they learn to be with themselves, to know each other without needing someone else. Of course you can add other types of singles, if you have some in mind share it with us !.

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