5 Tips To Make Relationships Work

5 tips to make relationships work

Nowadays, “love sickness” and relationship problems are one of the most discussed problems in psychologists’ studies. Infidelity, jealousy, emotional dependence, or cohabitation that doesn’t work end up breaking the couple forever.

If we look back in time, we will realize that this did not happen a few years ago. Once upon a time, couples (or at least most of them) lasted for life, despite all the difficulties that could arise between partners; this was mainly due to the fact that the woman depended almost entirely on the man. In fact, women were not yet part of the world of work and, for this reason, they had to stay close to their spouse, taking care of the house and children.

Fortunately, today the landscape is very different. However, the problem is that it is  more difficult for couples to stay together for longer and the psychological problems triggered by separation are more prevalent.

There are some statistics that indicate that today’s couples will not last more than 10 years and this is mainly due to poor coexistence and lack of communication.

Even if the perfect couple doesn’t exist and we need to acknowledge it, today we offer you some key tips to help you make your relationship work better.

Never demand

If you want your relationship to work, it is very important to be very tolerant of each other. Sometimes, we demand things from the other as if we were their master, but in reality this is not the case because no one is the property of anyone else.

We need to be aware that we are human, that we are sometimes wrong and that it is much better for the couple to be understanding and empathetic with each other and not require them to act or be as we would like them to be.

This does not mean that we cannot suggest that it acts differently, but it is essential to know well the difference between demanding and suggesting, in order to make everything go smoothly and, paradoxically, to make the other more willing to change or modify certain things. that we don’t like.

Nobody likes to be pressured, but if we are prompted to do something and the benefits of such a change explained to us, the situation is taken differently.


Just bring up the mistakes of the past

The past is past and now it does not exist, so it makes no sense to keep going around it, because it is not part of the couple’s life now. You will not be able to solve that problem that happened in the past and the only thing you will achieve is to cause pain and suffering for both of you.

If your partner has been unfaithful to you and you have forgiven him, stop reminding him that he made a mistake on that occasion, because you have chosen to forgive him, with all that that entails. Now we must continue walking together.

Never forget that the other is your partner

Sometimes, negative emotions and impulses make us forget that the person we are arguing with is the one we ourselves have chosen to love and with whom to spend the rest of our lives.

This is why we must always be aware of the fact that strong words, insults and contempt are not necessary. You can hurt that person you love a lot and if this is repeated over time, the other will eventually get tired of your lack of empathy and tact.

Be aware that there is no need to scream or disrespect and that much more is achieved with peaceful conversation, with respect and with affection.

Joking about everyday problems

Hair in the shower, open toothpaste cap, or messy closet won’t turn into serious problems if you tackle them with a smile.

We often make dramatic problems that aren’t really that relevant. Giving them such importance only adds to their weight and, in many cases, turns them into real nuisances.

It is true that it can be annoying that your partner leaves the toilet seat up every day, but that cannot turn into a problem so serious that an argument between you two can arise.

It just isn’t worth it! If that’s her fault, she sure has other good qualities that compensate, just like you do. Remember the first piece of advice: suggest, but never demand and be tolerant. It is you who have chosen your partner.


Complement each other, but without depending on each other

Having fun and doing what they like as a couple is wonderful and it is very good that, every now and then, the two partners surprise each other with something they know the other will like. It doesn’t need to be a special date, the important thing is to have the impulse to prepare a good dinner for the other or take him to the concert of that group he likes so much, even if we don’t like it so much.

Sometimes, it’s okay to agree to participate in activities that perhaps don’t interest us much if we know our partner loves them. It may even happen that, by trying them, we begin to like them too.

However, on the other hand, we must never depend on our partner to do what we like. If your partner loves football and you don’t like it, it’s not okay that you feel obligated to go to the games every Sunday, you can always do something on your own.

Building a good relationship is simple and difficult at the same time. Sometimes instinct takes hold of us, we lose respect, honesty and empathy. Always remembering these five tips and putting them into practice day after day will help you grow the couple in a positive way.

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